Peachtree Farmstead Field Notes - February 2020
by Farmer Kaylinn Buchanan
photography by @peachtreefarmstead
February marks the transitional time where plans for the garden begin to materialize, and faraway summer farm dreams start to shift into a real plan. Each day brings just a little more daylight, and though there are still a few more cold months before we are really making moves, the growing season is definitely on the horizon!
Looking over last year’s notes, and getting a clearer idea of how last year can be improved upon. 2019 provided our biggest yields yet, even through some rough obstacles of nature. And there is still plenty of room for improvement. If there is one thing about farming, it’s that it is ever-changing (and very humbling). Rolling with the punches is part of the job description.
But enough about last year. Now it’s time to look ahead, make lists, and get to planning. Then comes the best part: seed shopping! Nothing says “fresh start” like a new pack of seeds, whether it’s a new cultivar we haven’t tried before, or a tried and true staple. At this stage in the game, the possibilities are endless!