Peachtree Farmstead Field Notes - Fall 2019
by Farmer Kaylinn Buchanan
photography by
+ @vanessakesslerphoto
Things look a bit different here since the last time I checked in mid-summer. Fall is now upon us, and today looks more like winter. Less time is spent outside, and more is spent in quiet reflection on the months before.
Summer made its exit much like how it began, in a long series of unpredictable ups and downs, like sunny and 70 degrees one day and then January-like snowstorm the next! Always at the mercy of the weather, we planted then covered, then uncovered and watered, covered again, and hoped for the best. Thankfully it payed off, as we are still harvesting roots like carrots, turnips and radishes, lettuces, and hearty greens like pak choi, kale, and spinach.
As the rest of the garden settles into its winter state, it feels that everything else has quieted as well. Two of four pigs have gone “to market,” taking part in the next step in their cycle of life. This is one harvest that always feels bittersweet, as it’s never easy to say goodbye to animals we have raised. But we take time to be thankful for their life and know they were well cared for in their time here.
While we experience some endings on the farm, we also welcomed a new beginning: the birth of our daughter, Riley Lynn. Our greatest harvest of the season! 😊 She was born October 29, and she is settling into life here just great. I have to say, she and her big brother Huxley make the cutest pack of farm hands I ever did see. I feel incredibly lucky to get to spend my days growing food, along with these tiny humans. It’s not an easy job by any stretch, but the rewards greatly outweigh anything else. As we all adjust into this new stage of life, I look back on an incredible year and feel full of gratitude.
Signing off now, as a diaper change and farm chores call!